Tired of spending so much on diapers and wipes? These simple hacks saved me hundreds on diapers and wipes for my 4 kids!
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No matter how you look at it, diapers and wipes just get to be downright expensive! And the fact that you are blowing money on something that you are soon going to be throwing in the garbage isn’t very comforting either.
Yes, I know there are cloth diapers and understand that they are supposed to be cheaper. But if you are like me and just can’t bring yourself to switch to cloth diapers for your baby, take heart.
Without too much hassle, you can regularly get cheap diapers and probably keep from going broke in the process too!
Here are the hacks I use to save on diapers, the best places I found to buy diapers and my tips on how to get cheap diapers and wipes.
7 Easy Hacks to Save on Diapers and Wipes
1. Use Coupons & Buy on Sale
Hands down, this is the way that I save the most money on diapers and wipes.
By combining coupons with sale prices and you can save a bundle! I almost always can get a pack of diapers for $5 or less and wipes for $1.00 or less.
There are often printable coupons for diapers and wipes available on sites like Coupons.com. I regularly find coupons for at least $0.50 savings on wipes and $1.50 savings on Huggies and Pampers diapers. I also watch coupon apps like Ibotta and Fetch Rewards (my favorite because it’s so easy to use) for diaper and wipes offers, since they frequently have them.
For me, some of the best places to buy diapers have been CVS, Rite Aid and our regional grocery store chains, Giant and ShopRite. By watching all four stores, I have always been easily able to find cheap diapers.
2. Be Slow to Switch Diaper Sizes
Why is this such a big deal? Because the bigger the diaper, the fewer diapers there are per package and so, therefore, the more expensive it gets.
Diapers come with a suggested weight per size. I’ve discovered that with both of my children, I could wear the various size diapers for longer than what the package suggested.
For instance, my daughter weighs more than the size 3 diapers say they are made for but they still fit her fine, we don’t have leaks and so we continue to stick with them. Instead of going with what the package recommends, we change sizes once we start having lots of leaks.
3. Be Mindful of How You Put On the Diaper
And speaking of leaks, I know we get more mileage out of smaller diapers by using this little trick. Your child can stay in smaller diapers longer if you are careful how you put the diaper on.
If your child tends to leak out the top, then pull the diaper up more in the front. Have problems with messes oozing out the back? Then pull the diaper up more in the back.
Both are a problem? Well, then it’s probably time to switch to the next size!
4. Watch Package Sizes
Instead of thinking price per package, think price per wipe/diaper. The reason for this is because not all packages contain the same amount of product.
For instance, Pampers Soft Care wipes come in 72 ct. packages while Pampers Sensitive wipes come in 64 ct. packages. Both products cost the same amount but by purchasing the larger count you get 8 more wipes per package, reducing your cost.
You’ll find similar things in diapers. Huggies Snug & Dry size 2 come in 42 ct. packages while Huggies Little Snugglers size 2 only have 36 per package. Again, they typically are priced the same but you can save around $0.04/diaper by choosing the larger package.
5. Stockpile
Whenever you see diapers or wipes at a low price, if you have room in your budget, buy them even if you don’t immediately need them. The concept behind this is simple.
Why pay full price for something that you can easily save a couple of bucks on? By waiting to buy diapers and wipes only when you need them, you end up almost always spending more.
I take diaper stockpiling pretty seriously. When I was pregnant with our daughter, I started buying diapers and wipes when I would see them at rock-bottom prices. By the time she was born 12 ½ months ago, I had 42 packages of diapers and around 30 packages of wipes.
I’m just now starting to use up the last of what I bought then. The great thing is that I’ve continued to be able to keep buying ahead so I have never had to pay more than $5 for a package of diapers and $1 for a package of wipes. That has translated into huge savings for us!
Read my post How to Save Money & Build a Diaper Stockpile (includes approximate diaper usage for 1st year!) to learn more about how to save money with a diaper and wipe stockpile!
6. Be Willing to Vary Brands
If you are going to maximize your savings, you are going to have to be willing to use whatever brand of diapers/wipes you can get for the least amount of money.
Some weeks Pampers are the cheapest, other weeks Huggies. And sometimes it’s Luvs or the store brand. Be willing to try brands other than the one you typically use. Often you will find that you like it just as well.
And while I’m not a huge fan of store-brand diapers, sometimes they actually are surprisingly good. Both Costco, Aldi and Target brand diapers are really decent in my opinion and have great reviews online.
Remember too that often store brand diapers have a money-back guarantee, so if you don’t like them you don’t have anything to lose!
7. Buy in Bulk
If you don’t plan on using coupons for diapers, the next best way to save is to buy in bulk.
Target.com and Amazon are probably the best places to find cheap diapers online and are handy because you can purchase big boxes of diapers and wipes at decent prices.
For Target, make sure you get the Target RED Card you’ll save 5% on all purchases plus get free 2-day shipping, which I love!
Here are two current Amazon deals:
(The prices below were current in Aug. ’19. Obviously, they are going to change frequently and are simply given as an illustration.)
- Pampers Sensitive Water Baby Diaper Wipes, 1152 Count $17.51 with Amazon Moms and Subscribe & Save. (Be sure to clip the $2.00 coupon found just below the product description too!) This comes to just $0.02/wipe.
- Amazon Brand – Mama Bear 99% Water Baby Wipes, Fragrance Free, 432 Count $12.92 with Amazon with 20% off offer on first Subscribe & Save purchase. This comes to just $0.03/wipe.
- Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers, Size 3, 210 Count $33.10 with Amazon Moms and Subscribe & Save. This comes to just $0.16/diaper.
Don’t have time to always look for diaper deals yourself? Jungle Deals Blog posts the best diaper and wipes deals on Amazon and keeps their list updated regularly.
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We use Aldi diapers and wipes! They do not have scents – and are way cheaper than big name brands.
That’s a great tip, Jo! Thank you!
I’m rather old-school about wipes. I used white washcloths and warm water, keeping a stack of clean ones in my changing area. I put the dirty ones in a pail and washed them regularly. When going out I’d put a wet cloth in a baggy, and carry another baggy for the used cloth. I don’t have any germophobia, so it didn’t bother me to do this. For wiping hands and faces I used soft flannel (homemade) burp cloths. All five children grew up healthy too. I feel sorry for babies whose bottoms are wiped with cold cloths–you wouldn’t like it either!
That sounds like a great way to save money, Rozy, although I don’t think I’d be quite ready to do it. 🙂 We do use little washcloths to wipe hands and faces at home though!
Brook Hart
I check my Amazon.com coupons and special offers frequently. In the last year I was given 50 percent off my diaper subscribe and save order. I also have received several 10.00 coupons for any purchase which made large cases of Luvs around $15.00. Today I turned in two old carseats to Walmart for a 60.00 giftcard. I bought two cases of Luvs and a case of wipes. I do Swagbucks and use my reward DS for giftcards to reduce the price of diapers.
Hello so I am new to Checkout 51 and other apps like that. I downloaded the app and no diaper rebates were available so does that mean there are none till tomorrow when the offers renew? Also I like to shop at places like Glennwood. There is no barcode on the receipt. Are receipts with no barcodes accepted? Thanks! Julie
Julie, I am SO sorry for just now getting your question replied too! I try hard to reply quickly typically and am rather embarassed that it went so long. The last couple of months were a bit crazy as we prepared to move to England and then actually made the move and quite a few blogging related things just got neglected in the process. But again, I’m sorry.
You likely already figured this out, but yes, if there are no diaper rebates showing, then there are currently none available. There may be new ones that show up on Thursday, but there is no guarantee since offers on diapers are very sporadic. But it’s always worth checking! As for places like Glenwood? I’m not entirely sure. I’m guessing it won’t work but they do have the store name and the date of the transaction on their receipts if I remember correctly, so it might. The only way to know for sure is to give it a try.
I am due in five months and just started building my diaper stockpile today as I’ve heard from several people that this is a great way to save money. My question is, should I be buying wipes that are on sale too? I’m afraid if I start too soon on wipes, they will dry out. When did you start on wipes?
Good question, Ashley! I actually started on wipes at the same time. I have had wipes for at least a year, probably longer and have never had trouble with them drying out, so I think you are probably good to go. I wouldn’t go crazy with them, obviously, but if you see them at rock bottom prices, grab a pack or two. My buy price for wipes is $1.00 or less for the small packs. I can only get them that cheap occasionally when I buy them on sale and use a coupon as well. Obviously, your prices may vary a lot depending on your area, the stores you have etc. Hope that helps!
Lovely, thank you!
I buy my wipes at the $.99 store. They are usually 72 to 80 per package. That’s less than .02 per wipe.
Great tip, Kim! I didn’t think about the fact that dollar stores might have wipes.